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This course challenges the stereotype of martial arts as a timeless tradition and unified code by examining it across a wide range of genres in the “premodern” period (from classical periods to the late Qing dynasty). Our objects of study will include biographies from the early histories, classical tales, novels and theater. The course follows a chronological order, beginning with the philosophical roots of and aristocratic involvement in the tradition in earlier centuries and ending with the resurgence of interest in chivalric tales and martial scenes onstage in late Qing China. Within this chronological structure, we take a dual perspective, meaning we will examine the martial arts tradition as, one, represented in literary sources, and two, performed in and trained for traditional Chinese theater. Issues to be considered will include the representation of violence, the politics of representation, the gendering of power, Chinese masculinity, and the relationship of martial arts to dance, visual arts, music and theater. Prerequisite: None.

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