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This course examines issues regarding gender, family, and work in contemporary East Asian societies from a sociological perspective. The major goals of this course include: understanding how family life and work interconnect and interfere with each other and the implications that this has for women and men; and gaining empirical knowledge about gender, work, and family in East Asia. By taking a sociological approach to learning about the family and work and by gaining knowledge about empirical trends and patterns in East Asia today, this course will give students the theoretical and empirical tools to understand how broader social forces shape individuals’ work and family life (often in gendered ways) in non-western contexts.

Instructor: Ya Su
Office: Kohlberg 238
Email: ysu1@swarthmore.edu

Class Meetings:
Time: 11:20 AM-12:35 PM TR
Location: Kohlberg 228

Office Hours:
2:00-3:30 PM on Tuesdays and by Appointment
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