Enrollment options

In the United States and elsewhere, schools are places where inequalities can be maintained or challenged. In schools, individual children and their teachers also experience the daily realities of national political agendas. This course explores major questions in educational theory, practice, and policy in the United States. By reading original source materials from multiple disciplines, writing, engaging in discussion, and participating in fieldwork in area schools, students examine the interdisciplinary field of educational studies.
The course will allow you to:
• develop a range of critical frames for thinking about educational processes and institutions.
• begin to explore topics found in other courses in Educational Studies.
• develop as writers of social science.
• become reflective participant observers in educational settings.
• become consumers of, audiences for, and participants in educational processes and institutions.
The goals of the department can be found on our website.
This is a Writing (W) course. The assignments provide you with opportunities to develop skills in formulating an argument, using evidence to support your ideas, citing sources, revising and using feedback to improve your writing.
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