- Teacher: Wol A Kang
- Teacher: Kirsten Speidel

Welcome to CHIN 011, a communication-oriented, advanced-level Chinese class for third-year Mandarin Chinese students. In this course, we will further develop integrated Chinese language skills including listening, speaking, reading, and writing. We aim especially to elevate your proficiency in more formal, written Chinese and in understanding more colloquial use of the language in such modern media as film. We will also focus on discussing and debating the socio-political issues raised by one to two major films paired with formal written essays and listening comprehension dialogues that explore similar topics.
The primary goals of this course are:
• To express your views with rich and precise vocabulary
• To summarize key information across different textual media
• To write eloquent essays of 800 to 1,000 characters in length
• To deliver formal talks of ten to fifteen minutes
• To better understand contemporary Chinese-speaking societies
• To practice the skills of self-learning for long-term engagement with Mandarin Chinese
By the end of the semester, students are expected to attain the Advanced Low level of proficiency (ACTFL Oral Proficiency Guidelines). A description of speakers at AL level can be found on the ACTFL website: https://www.actfl.org/publications/guidelines-and-manuals/actfl-proficiency-guidelines-2012/english
The primary goals of this course are:
• To express your views with rich and precise vocabulary
• To summarize key information across different textual media
• To write eloquent essays of 800 to 1,000 characters in length
• To deliver formal talks of ten to fifteen minutes
• To better understand contemporary Chinese-speaking societies
• To practice the skills of self-learning for long-term engagement with Mandarin Chinese
By the end of the semester, students are expected to attain the Advanced Low level of proficiency (ACTFL Oral Proficiency Guidelines). A description of speakers at AL level can be found on the ACTFL website: https://www.actfl.org/publications/guidelines-and-manuals/actfl-proficiency-guidelines-2012/english
- Teacher: Benjamin Ridgway
- Teacher: Zhuming Yao

CHIN 020 (中文四年級)
2023 年秋季
Tue. & Thur. 1:15-2:30 pm
Instructor: Haili KONG (孔海立)
Classroom: Kohlberg 318
Tel: 610-328-8457; Email: hkong1@swarthmore.edu
Office Hours: Tue. & Thur. 5:00 –6:00 pm in office K-310 or by appointment via Zoom
Course Description
This course is designed to prepare the students of fourth-year Chinese for further language and cultural studies at graduate level and help them achieve the “Advanced-plus” level of proficiency in Mandarin Chinese, meaning the students should be able to perform all Advanced-level tasks (including reading, listening, speaking and writing) with linguistic ease, confidence, and competence. In order to achieve this goal, it is necessary for the students to be able to read original and authentic Chinese writings and to understand thoroughly the grammatical, idiomatic and cultural dimensions of these writings, further developing their linguistic and analytical skills based on the readings. This course will cover the most representative prose writings in modern Chinese literary history. They are all written by major writers and will give the students a unique opportunity to get access to the essence of Chinese cultures as well as the charm of the language itself.
Students will be introduced to a few significant topics concerning Chinese culture and history written in different genres and styles by the major writers. All the texts are original and unabridged. Vocabulary list will be provided with the texts in both traditional and simplified Chinese. Class instruction and discussion, conducted only in Chinese, will focus on the literary close reading, accompanied with a less proportion of grammar practices. The texts will also serve as models of writing and literary creation. All the materials used in this course will be uploaded to the Moodle site.
Course Requirement
I. Preparation 課堂準備
You are expected to come to the class well prepared. Preparation includes, but not limited to (1) studying vocabulary carefully until you recognize characters and understand the meaning of each word; (2) reading the text thoroughly until you understand the main topic and content; (3) before the second or third meeting of each lesson, you should prepare for discussing related topics and expressing your opinions in both oral and written forms. Your preparation is crucial to your success in this class.
II. Attendance and Performance 出勤和表現
Regular attendance is mandatory. An excused absence will be granted if the instructor is contacted ahead of time and an adequate explanation and documentation of a valid reason are provided. You may be required to do additional work or meet with the instructor during the office hour to make up for your absence. Students are expected to show their efforts on preview, review and active in-class participation during the semester.
III. Homework 作業
Please check the Moodle site for the homework assignments and the due day, which will also be emphasized during the class. Almost every class meeting will have homework due. Late, incomplete, or sub-standard homework will not receive full credit.
IV. Vocabulary Quiz 生詞測驗
A vocabulary quiz will be given for each lesson. The dates are on the course schedule.
V. Tests 考試
Two Tests will be given to examine how the students understand the content of the text, vocabulary, and cultural background. Please check the course schedule for the dates.
VI. Writing Projects 寫作
Students will be required to complete two formal writing projects for this class. Please check the schedule for the topic and the due day. Two drafts, the first and the final, are required. You can type them with computer, but need to hand in the hardcopy in class. The grading criteria will be given to students and explained in class.
VII. Final Presentation 期末報告
The students will be required to give an individual presentation and take part in discussions and comments at the end of the semester. Detailed instructions will be provided before the event.
VIII. Final Exams 期末考試
The registration office will schedule the final exam for this semester but may have it rescheduled to accommodate individual travel plans upon request.
IX. Chinese Language Table 中文桌子
Chinese language table is another good opportunity to practice your Chinese with teachers and classmates, and it is strongly recommended. It will be held once a week on Friday from 12:15-1:30 pm beginning on Friday 9/15 in the second week of classes.
Attendance 5%
Participation 15%
Homework 15%
Vocabulary Quiz 5%
Two short-papers 20%
In-class Presentation 15%
Final Exam 25%
2023 年秋季
Tue. & Thur. 1:15-2:30 pm
Instructor: Haili KONG (孔海立)
Classroom: Kohlberg 318
Tel: 610-328-8457; Email: hkong1@swarthmore.edu
Office Hours: Tue. & Thur. 5:00 –6:00 pm in office K-310 or by appointment via Zoom
Course Description
This course is designed to prepare the students of fourth-year Chinese for further language and cultural studies at graduate level and help them achieve the “Advanced-plus” level of proficiency in Mandarin Chinese, meaning the students should be able to perform all Advanced-level tasks (including reading, listening, speaking and writing) with linguistic ease, confidence, and competence. In order to achieve this goal, it is necessary for the students to be able to read original and authentic Chinese writings and to understand thoroughly the grammatical, idiomatic and cultural dimensions of these writings, further developing their linguistic and analytical skills based on the readings. This course will cover the most representative prose writings in modern Chinese literary history. They are all written by major writers and will give the students a unique opportunity to get access to the essence of Chinese cultures as well as the charm of the language itself.
Students will be introduced to a few significant topics concerning Chinese culture and history written in different genres and styles by the major writers. All the texts are original and unabridged. Vocabulary list will be provided with the texts in both traditional and simplified Chinese. Class instruction and discussion, conducted only in Chinese, will focus on the literary close reading, accompanied with a less proportion of grammar practices. The texts will also serve as models of writing and literary creation. All the materials used in this course will be uploaded to the Moodle site.
Course Requirement
I. Preparation 課堂準備
You are expected to come to the class well prepared. Preparation includes, but not limited to (1) studying vocabulary carefully until you recognize characters and understand the meaning of each word; (2) reading the text thoroughly until you understand the main topic and content; (3) before the second or third meeting of each lesson, you should prepare for discussing related topics and expressing your opinions in both oral and written forms. Your preparation is crucial to your success in this class.
II. Attendance and Performance 出勤和表現
Regular attendance is mandatory. An excused absence will be granted if the instructor is contacted ahead of time and an adequate explanation and documentation of a valid reason are provided. You may be required to do additional work or meet with the instructor during the office hour to make up for your absence. Students are expected to show their efforts on preview, review and active in-class participation during the semester.
III. Homework 作業
Please check the Moodle site for the homework assignments and the due day, which will also be emphasized during the class. Almost every class meeting will have homework due. Late, incomplete, or sub-standard homework will not receive full credit.
IV. Vocabulary Quiz 生詞測驗
A vocabulary quiz will be given for each lesson. The dates are on the course schedule.
V. Tests 考試
Two Tests will be given to examine how the students understand the content of the text, vocabulary, and cultural background. Please check the course schedule for the dates.
VI. Writing Projects 寫作
Students will be required to complete two formal writing projects for this class. Please check the schedule for the topic and the due day. Two drafts, the first and the final, are required. You can type them with computer, but need to hand in the hardcopy in class. The grading criteria will be given to students and explained in class.
VII. Final Presentation 期末報告
The students will be required to give an individual presentation and take part in discussions and comments at the end of the semester. Detailed instructions will be provided before the event.
VIII. Final Exams 期末考試
The registration office will schedule the final exam for this semester but may have it rescheduled to accommodate individual travel plans upon request.
IX. Chinese Language Table 中文桌子
Chinese language table is another good opportunity to practice your Chinese with teachers and classmates, and it is strongly recommended. It will be held once a week on Friday from 12:15-1:30 pm beginning on Friday 9/15 in the second week of classes.
Attendance 5%
Participation 15%
Homework 15%
Vocabulary Quiz 5%
Two short-papers 20%
In-class Presentation 15%
Final Exam 25%
- teacher: Wol A Kang
- teacher: Haili Kong

This course is an introduction to the humanistic traditions of China, Japan, and Korea from antiquity to around 1600. We explore some of the foundational ideas, texts, and issues that reflect the East Asian experiences with the self and the world. Through close engagement with a wide variety of source materials selected from all three cultures, we will investigate both the deep connections shared among them and the unique trajectories of each as they approached modernity. To that end, this course focuses on the received written artifacts broadly conceivable as literature, historiography, and philosophy, although we will also read some of the canonical works of East Asian religions. Our goal is not to survey everything there is, but to develop a critical ability in both understanding the East Asian traditions and in reflecting upon their relevance to the present day.
Complementary to the primary sources, this course also introduces students to a select range of scholarship on the topics we cover. Our knowledge of the past is not unfiltered by the lenses we wear, and scholarship is precisely where those refractions can both enable and impede knowledge acquisition. In the true humanistic fashion, we will thus learn to not only read but also critique scholarly works on premodern Chinese, Japanese, and Korean cultures. This early exposure to scholarship—classic and cutting-edge alike—trains the students to work both within and across disciplinary boundaries. Like the subject matters of this course, the approaches adoptable for critical engagement are just as diverse.
This course requires no prior knowledge of East Asia or any of the East Asian languages. Students both beginning to learn about China, Japan, and Korea and wishing to deepen their expertise will find something useful—and challenging as well. Those looking to sharpen their skills in critical thinking as well as academic writing are especially encouraged to enroll, as the course places great emphasis on knowledge production on the part of the student.
Complementary to the primary sources, this course also introduces students to a select range of scholarship on the topics we cover. Our knowledge of the past is not unfiltered by the lenses we wear, and scholarship is precisely where those refractions can both enable and impede knowledge acquisition. In the true humanistic fashion, we will thus learn to not only read but also critique scholarly works on premodern Chinese, Japanese, and Korean cultures. This early exposure to scholarship—classic and cutting-edge alike—trains the students to work both within and across disciplinary boundaries. Like the subject matters of this course, the approaches adoptable for critical engagement are just as diverse.
This course requires no prior knowledge of East Asia or any of the East Asian languages. Students both beginning to learn about China, Japan, and Korea and wishing to deepen their expertise will find something useful—and challenging as well. Those looking to sharpen their skills in critical thinking as well as academic writing are especially encouraged to enroll, as the course places great emphasis on knowledge production on the part of the student.
- Teacher: Benjamin Ridgway
- Teacher: Zhuming Yao